Women Empowerment

BWDA works for the socio-economic empowerment of low-income household women. This is in line with the following four UN SDGs “No Poverty”, “Gender Equality”, “Decent Work and Economic Growth”, and “Reduced Inequalities”.

Formation of Female SHGs /JLGs

Women Development Programme is a major program of BWDA which is implemented in 9 districts of Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry, and Andaman & Nicobar Islands, by forming SHGs / JLGs and nurturing them with various training not only for their family development but also for the total development of the whole community. BWDA SHG formation inculcates savings habits in the members and facilitates credit access through internal savings rotation and bank linkage. BWDA formed 34,648 female SHGs with 5,71,646 women as members and motivated them to save Rs.33665.55 lakhs as Group Savings and rotates Rs.103519.64 lakhs as ‘Internal Rotation’ under its ‘Women Development Programme’ to alleviate poverty and to promote sustainability and holistic empowerment among poor women.

Training & Orientation

BWDA organises various trainings like SHG management training, members orientation, training-cum-exposure, financial literacy, adolescent girls health trainings, general health & sanitation, community sanitation, HIV/AIDS prevention, disaster management,  savings & thrift, EDP, REDP, skill trainings, etc. to SHG members, Animators & Representatives and PLF leaders for their sustainable development and empowerment with the support of Rabo Bank Foundation, Cordaid, SIDBI, ISMW, NABARD, Water.org, Childline Programme, RUHSA, TNVHA, etc.

International Women’s Days Celebrations

BWDA celebrates International Women’s Day every year in all branches on March 8th to create awareness on women rights.  In the year 2019, more than 24,000 General SHG and Pudhumai SHG members participated in these celebrations.

Widow and Destitute Welfare

BWDA has initiated a program for the welfare of widows and the destitute.

Marketing Support

BWDA has been conducting various marketing support exhibitions for the sales promotion of SHG products in its adopted areas. BWDA has conducted various trainings and workshops have been imparted to SHG members, leaders and staff to promote marketing of SHGs

products with the support of NABARD, Rabo Bank Foundation, Cordaid, Deutsche Bank, and SIDBI. BWDA has also promoted a Private Limited Company called “BWDA Mercantile Private Limited” for fair trade to SHGs and other low-income households. BWDA has also established producer organizations to support rural producers