Bullock-cart Workers Development

This was the first program that was initiated by BWDA. This initiative is at the heart of our activities. The organization was started by the founder to empower bullock-cart workers, as his father was a bullock-cart workers and later started working for other causes.

Formation of Sangams

There are 1.5 crore bullock-carts and 3 crores carters depending on them in India. The bullock-carts create self-employment opportunities for the carters. But, bullock-cart workers face countless problems. To address their issues, enhance their social status and enable them to know and solve their problems, BWDA facilitated the formation of 370 bullock cart workers’ associations. A state level federation works with BWDA to solve problems of bullock-carters. 48,302 bullock-carters and their families benefitted through various programs organized through the local associations and the state level federation.

Advocacy & Lobbying activities

BWDA carries out Advocacy & Lobbying activities since its inception, to address the grievances of bullock-cart workers through government / public support. Through the unorganized welfare board of Tamil Nadu, bullock-cart workers and family members are getting death relief, educational support, pension, etc. Due to the high price of sand, the government does not permit carters to collect sand from the river beds.  By meeting the officials, formal permission from the administration is obtained for taking sand. One day demonstration was organized at Cheyyur, Ex.M.P. Mr.Viswanathan and other political leaders supported it.

Trainings, Seminar and Conference to Bullock-carters

BWDA trains bullock-carters in various areas like legal aspect, leadership, entrepreneurship development, trade union, to facilitate their socio – economic development. BWDA also conducts seminars, exposure visits and conferences for awareness creation.

Credit Linkage

BWDA forms self help groups of men comprising of bullock-cart workers. More than 45,000 bullock-carters and their family members have benefitted till date.

Insurance and Accident Relief Programme

To meet the unforeseen losses of bullock-carters due to accidents, BWDA implements Insurance and Accident Relief Programme for them and 13,605 bullock-cart families have benefitted to date with our support. Through the Tamil Nadu State Labour Board, more than 633 members were registered to get educational support, marriage support for their children, insurance support, and pension.